Whiskey Barrels

Whiskey BarrelsWhiskey is known for having bold and complex flavors with variable amounts of vanilla and floral hints. Whiskey is made from creating a mash out of certain grains including corn, wheat, rye, and barley. The mash is fermented and comes out as a clear white alcohol that is sometimes sold as White Lightning or White Dog Whiskey. The real flavor of whiskey is developed in the oak barrels during the aging process. During the heat of the day, the liquor in the barrel expands and seeps deep inside of the wood and then pulls back out again as the night air cools it down. This process is what allows the alcohol to pull flavor from within the wood as well as pull out that gorgeous crown color.

The oak barrels sold at Red Head Oak Barrels are going to do exactly that. As you age your own whiskey, the barrels will expand to allow the liquor to soak deep down into the wood and then contract to let the liquid pull out all that wonderful oak goodness. If you want a quality barrel made from only the best American white oak for aging your own whiskey, go to Red Head Oak Barrels and you’ll find exactly what you’re looking for.

Whiskey Barrels

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