The Best Drinks For Men

Drinks For MenLet’s get something straight from the beginning:  The type of cocktail you choose to imbibe does speak volumes to others about your basic character.  Unfortunately, life is full of unfair assumptions and erroneous first impressions.  Men, you better get used to it, though.  You might know very well that a book cannot be judged by its cover, but others will never quit trying.

For instance, take that malt beverage container you hold in your hand during business and social gatherings.  Do you know what that bottle that’s glowing brighter than a Chernobyl kitten says to every woman in the immediate vicinity?  It says, “I’m a corporate shill who can’t think for myself, so I follow any trend that comes along and that’s why I ordered that sugar-bomb.”

You see, fellas, that’s not really a drink you hold in your hand at all.  It’s really a gimmick.  The best drink for men contains real liquor.  Get real and exhibit some manly sophistication.  If you want to order a beer – not watered-down urine specimens mass-produced in an American distillery, but a really good beer, select either an import with some “bite” or a microbrew.  Approaching the bartender and asking for a Singapore Sling or Amaretto Sour just won’t do.  Truthfully, it never has, either.  Following is a list of options that will not rob you of your manhood.

Manhattan (Dry version)

This was Frank Sinatra and his homeboys’ drink of choice in the Rat Pack.  Classic drinks like this never go out of style, so order a Manhattan whenever in doubt or everything else fails.  If you have a Johnnie Walker Blue Label or another great blended whiskey available, it’s even better.

1 1/2 ounces of good blended whiskey
3/4 ounce of dry vermouth

Stir the above components with ice and strain them into a cocktail glass.  Serve with at least one olive.


This best drink for men is a traditional speakeasy standby that has made a huge comeback in the last year.  Who cares about trends, though?  This drink has always been good.  It’s another great classic that says you know what the hell you’re doing.


1 ounce of Cognac or brandy
1 ounce of Triple Sec (Grand Marnier, Curacao, or Cointreau will also do just fine)

Stir all of the above with ice and strain into a cocktail glass.


A slick martini offers an unparalleled expression of male sophistry and confidence.  Never doubt that. Numerous variations exist, but for this best drink for men, I prefer it dry or even dirty.  And, whatever you do in life, skip the green apple liquers and lychees!


1 2/3 ounce of Gin
1/3 ounce of dry vermouth (use the 5 to 1 ratio to keep it dry)

Stir the gin and vermouth over ice cubes in a mixing container. Then strain into a cocktail glass.  Serve the concoction with a lemon twist or an olive if you must have some “decoration.”

Scotch and Soda:

This is a very simple and basic best drink for men. There’s no sugar and pink neon with little umbrellas and fruit everywhere.  The scotch and soda combination will continue to remain long after we all shed our mortal coils. A truly great best drink for men. Once again, I advise going for the high-quality blended stuff here. Save those single malts.

1 1/2 ounces of Scotch
1 ounce of Club Soda

Fill a cocktail glass with to the brim with ice. Add club soda and scotch, then gently stir.  A classy mix reserved only for the brave, an old-school classic, a cocktail-and-beer combo…

Rusty Nail:

Even the name of this best drink for men sounds tough and rolls off the tongue like a panko breadcrumb batch. But that’s not all:  This best drink for men actually tastes good!  I occasionally “single malt” this one, so Scotch lovers, feel free.

1/4 ounce of Drambuie
3/4 ounce of Scotch

Pour Scotch over some ice cubes in an old-fashioned drinking glass.  Float the Drambuie on the top.

Old Fashioned:

This best drink for men is about as old-school as old-school can get.  But remember:  old-school is good here!  Once this drink is in your hot big hand, you immediately assume wisdom and taste – or at least  the appearance of these attributes.  As a classic – not retro – phenomenon, the Old-Fashioned is the king of cocktails in your search for a best drink for men.


2 ounces of blended whiskey
2 dashes of Bitters
1 teaspoon of sugar
A splash of soda
1 orange peel strip
1 lemon peel strip

Muddle the bitters and sugars together in an old-fashioned cocktail glass.  Add some soda, ice, and whiskey. Stir and add orange and lemon peel garnishings.

Trinity Cocktail:

This best drink for men is essentially a martini with a “kick,” and is heavy on the vermouth.  If you use a sweet vermouth, pick the white variety or the bianco. This best drink for men goes over great at parties or before-dinner apertifs.


3/4 ounce of sweet vermouth
3/4 ounce of dry vermouth
3/4 ounce of Gin

Stir the above ingredients together with ice and strain them into a cocktail glass.  Then, enjoy!


At first glance of the ingredients list of this best drink for men, your first thought is likely to be that there’s no way in hell that it works.  Try it before you knock it, though.  Its taste and post-sip buzz are unique.  There’s the added bonus that this best drink for men is undeniably classified as “manly.” Of course, the champagne is always a nice added touch.


1 ounce Gin
1/2 ounce Anisette
1 ounce lime juice
Chilled champagne

Shake all the ingredients together with ice except for the champagne.  Strain over ice cubes into a cocktail glass, fill glass with chilled champagne and gently stir.

Bloody Bull:

This best drink for men is not for everybody, but whoever can drink it probably possesses a male organ – even if its very small.


1 1/2 ounces of Vodka
2 ounces of tomato juice
2 ounces of beef bouillon

Pour all ingredients over ice into a highball glass.  Add a squeeze of lemon and stir.

Beer Buster:

This best drink for men is great for a backyard patio party or the frat house. Its ultimate taste is highly dependent upon the quality of beer used.  So, choose wisely fellas.

1 1/2 ounces of 100-proof Vodka
2 dashes of Tabasco sauce
Cold beer or ale

Fill a highball glass with beer or ale and pour in vodka. Add Tabasco sauce and stir.