Homebrew Popularity On The Rise

Homebrewing beerHomebrew popularity continues to grow. A recent American Home brewers Association survey indicates a 26% increase in gross revenue for shops that sell homebrew materials and ingredients, a clear indication that homebrew popularity is on the rise.

An 80% increase the sale of home brewing kits, according to the 275 home brewing shops surveyed, indicates the skyrocketing increase in homebrew popularity. Shops open for less than three years noted homebrew popularity has outpaced the sale of products and tools used in wine making, a 35% compared to a 21% increase. The survey also describes the average home brewer as a male earning between $26,000 and $50,000 per annum, who is between the ages of 30 and 39.

Homebrew popularity is on the rise, and retail shops are responding. The director of the American Homebrews Association  said that home brewing continues to increase, and retail shops are responding to the increased demand by satisfying the needs of their exploding customer base. He also added that Homebrew supply shops are at the heart of local home brewing communities.

Average gross revenue of the shops participating in the survey was $1.2 million, and median gross revenue was $265.000.  No doubt about it, homebrew popularity is definitely taking the country by storm.